365 Photo Challenge {December 2018}

Well here it is almost March and I realized I never posted the final month of the 365 photo challenge. Just let me say…PHEW!!!  I was so glad it was over.  Taking photos everyday isn’t too hard, but when 11 pm hits and I realized that you didn’t take a photo for the day, I would have to come up with something creative.  I still did a lot of shooting with my iPhone as my back still isn’t strong enough to be carrying around the big camera.  Here are my images for the month of December.  I hope you enjoy!

 December 1 – Apples
December 2 – Candles
 December 3 – Bokeh
 December 4 – Glitter
 December 5 – Ornaments
 December 6 – Baking
 December 7 – Reflection
 December 8 – Long exposure of lights
 December 9 – In the rearview mirror
 December 10 – Scarf
 December 11 – Gifts

December 12 – Poinsettia
 December 13 – Cocoa

 December 14 – Candy Canes
 December 15 – Pearls
 December 16 – Wreath
December 17 – Green
 December 18 – Christmas Cards
 December 19 – Christmas on the Square
 December 20 – Something red
 December 21 – Lit by a flashlight
 December 22 – Cold Moon
December 23 – Christmas Baking
 December 24 – Stockings
 December 25 – Christmas traditions
December 26 – Self Portrait
 December 27 – Balloons

December 28 – Something New
December 29 – Mess
 December 30 – Joy, Hope, Peace
December 31 – Bring in the New Year

2018 365 Photo Challenge {September}

Well September was a big month for me, not so much for my photography, but I had L4/L5 fusion done on my spine.  Surgery was on the 14th and was in the hospital 4 days instead of 1…lifting is very limited with no bending or twisting for 12 weeks and I have to wear contraption around my waist 99.9% of my day.  All of my images from the 14th on were shot using an iPhone only.  I had to get very creative in how I was going to cover each topic as some days were really bad.

September 1 – No Rhyme or Reason
What better reason to practice a new recipe and my food photography.

September 2 – College Colors
Son’s college colors!
September 3 – Something Rotating
Waited until the last minute on this one because I couldn’t find anything spinning or rotating, so I rolled with the ceiling fan.
September 4 – Learning
Coach Stewart was having a teachable moment during a time-out…what a better time for learning.

September 5 – Bunch
Headed to NY today for work and hit the Long Island Railroad, heading the NYC for my first time.  This photo was shot from the 86th floor of the Empire State Building…this is a bunch of lights.

September 6 – Walk by Faith
Headed back into the city again after work today and took a nighttime bus tour.  When I saw the faith it took for these folks to walk out in from of these crazy drives in NYC, I knew this was a perfect opportunity for my challenge.  Used a slower shutter speed to show the movement in the people.
September 7 – Stages
Well today was the day to head home, but due to weather and other delays at LGA, this photo represents the stages of an airport delay.  If you look in the distance, you can see the other planes sitting on the runway, also waiting.

September 8 – Board Games
Not much of an explanation for this one…we used to play board games a lot but with the boys in college and the girls so busy, I just pulled out a board game that I thought might photograph well…so monopoly it was.
September 9 – Light Fixture
Loved the shadows on the ceiling from this light fixture.

September 10 – Bright
Sunrise coming up in the back yard.

September 11 – Remembrance
For this image, I was going to take a photo of a flag, but I thought I wanted to get more creative than that…so I taped a white sheet of paper on my filing cabinet, put two rulers in my purse to hold them upright, had my cube mate shine his flashlight on the rulers and photographed the shadows on the white paper.  I then made the white into red and heavily distressed it in editing software.  Lastly added the words to remember this day.
September 12 – Jewelry
September 13 – Snack
Had to head to the VA today for an appointment and saw these in the vending machine.  Peanut M&Ms are my weakness!

September 14 – Table
Just got out of surgery and they were bringing me food…so I figured I’d get a shot of my bedside table.  I mean who is in a ton of pain and still groggy from anesthesia, but all I could think about was how was I going to complete my challenge in a hospital room.
September 15 – Leaves
Welp, you guessed it, another hospital room shot.  Dinner was served, so I took advantage of these leafy greens.  No way to get outside, so this was the best I could do…

September 16 – Clean Up
Today they came into clean up my room, so I discreetly got housekeeping working.

September 17 – Looking Up
Today I got home in the afternoon and this is all that was up…
September 18 – Air Force
My 407th SCMS Sunshine Club sent me these get well soon flowers today…so what better way to represent Air Force than by my caring co-workers that support the AF everyday.

September 19 – Underneath
Well back in the ER today to check for DVT/Clots.  Having pain and swelling in my legs.  Tests came back negative, so a long 7 hour stay in the ER to be sent back to my surgeon tomorrow for a follow up.

September 20 – SnapChat Filter Fun
Was given a shower this morning, so I look somewhat alive, but this grin was hard to put on…still not feeling well.

September 21 – Breathtaking
Friend brought me these flowers, perfect opportunity for a photo.

September 22 – Autumn
Was able to go to Publix with my daughter and what says fall more than a Mum…got this in their floral department

September 23 – HDR Changing Leaves
This is in my front yard, so didn’t have to go far to get it.

September 24 – Something you do most weekends
Got a recliner and since I sneak in a nap most weekends, this seemed like as perfect as any for a photo.
September 25 – Errands
Had to run get last minute things for our big birthday for tomorrow…and this is when someone wanted to drive me to Hobby Lobby.  Still no driving:(

September 26 – Before Bedtime
Well County Championship for volleyball was tonight, so we had to wait until right before bedtime to celebrate Baylee’s birthday.
September 27 – Flat Lay
Flowers I got last week were hanging on by a thread, so I used them for my flat lay.

September 28 – Swing or Twirl
Really wanted to use my real camera for this, but iPhone still has to suffice…a twirling penny.

September 29 – Rides
Volunteered at the photos judging today at the fair, when my hubby picked me up, we rode over to see what was getting ready for the fair next week.  This ride was up, so I snapped a photo.
September 30 – Bubbles
Hubby taught me how to make homemade bubbles and he blew some while I photographed them.  Took 3 bubbles and used a double exposure technique in Snapped to overlay them to make this.

2018 365 Photo Challenge {August}

Here are the photos that I took for this month’s challenge.  It was a busy month to say the least and September is here upon us with a trip to NYC in about 2 hours (can’t sleep) and then surgery to follow next Friday.  I will do my best to stay on top of the challenge, but if I miss something, please help me out.  If anyone wants to volunteer to be a moderator of the Facebook Group, that would be greatly appreciated.  I will not be able to pick up my camera for weeks, maybe months after surgery, so the majority of the year will be shot on my iPhone X or goPro.  I am still enjoying every minute of thought on how to get the perfect or unique shot.  Happy Shooting.  Sarah

August 1 – Water

August 2 – Coloring

August 3 – Dinner

August 4 – Summertime

August 5 – Friendship

August 6 – Texture

August 7 – Through the Window

August 8 – Silhouette

August 9 – Books

August 10 – Lazy

August 11 – Group of Fours

August 12 – Gardens

August 13 – Chairs

August 14 – Road Less Traveled

August 15 – Relaxation

 August 16 – First Person you see today

August 17 – Hot

 August 18 – Triangle

 August 19 – Aviation

August 20 – Lemonade

August 21 – Radio

August 22 – Wood

August 23 – Not Yet Finished
August 24 – Peek a Boo

August 25 – Discarded

August 26 – Tell a Story

August 27 – A Pile of…

August 28 – Using Flash

August 29 – Workspace
August 30 – How you feel today

August 31 – Back to School

2018 365 Photo Challenge {July 2018}

July was a very busy month for me…we spent the first 12 days on vacation in Puerto Rico.  The first day we returned, I welcomed in my 40s, and the rest of the month was kind of a blur.  Work has been extremely busy and I have been preparing for a big Restaurant Menu session coming up next week, so my nights have been dedicated to studying up on the perfect food photography and styling tips and tricks.

July 1 – Postage Stamp

July 2 – Insect
July 3 – Swimming

July 4 – Independence

July 5 – Flags

July 6 – Sidewalk Art

July 7 – Grocery Store

July 8 – An Old House

July 9 – Architecture

July 10 – Illuminated by Candles

July 11 – Street Lamp

July 12 – Simplicity

July 13 – Ready, Set, Go

July 14 – Cars

July 15 – Splash

July 16 – Jump

July 17 – Water Tower

July 18 – Candid

July 19 – Single

July 20 – Lollipop

July 21 – Lake

July 22- Opposites

July 23 – Three Things

July 24 – Can’t Live Without

July 25 – Threading a Needle

July 26 – S is For…SLR

July 27 – Houseplants

July 28 – Circle 

July 29 – Lipstick

July 30 – Polka Dots

July 31 – Last Person You See Today

2018 365 Photo Challenge {February}

February 1 – Heart

February 2 – Shadows  
Today was groundhog day, so when I planned this, I thought shadows would be a suiting topic

February 3 – Shot From Above
Was running late on taking my photo, so I took a photo of my “Saturday uniform” from above.  There aren’t many Saturdays that I’m not in my shorelines and my comfy jeans…Played around with some off camera flash since it was getting dark.

February 4 – Something you collect
I collect roosters and this is my favorite.  Got it a while back while at El Conquistador in Puerto Rico.

February 5 – Nutella
Why Nutella?  Well the first and only time I have ever eaten it was in Paris…the city of Love, so I figured this was also very suiting for the month of love.  I tried multiple shots or real Nutella at the grocery store, but didn’t like any of them, so I “cheated” and used peanut butter and did a little editing to make it not look like peanut butter;)  When I created this challenge, I didn’t choose any topics to expect to spend extra money to get these things, but to think out of the box and be creative with what was around in my daily environment.

February 6 – Backyard
I went in search of something to take some macro shots of, but it had just rained the day before so the backyard, past the grass was still very wet…so I couldn’t make it where I wanted to without getting muddy, so I found this tree with the hole from the woodpeckers and the fungi on it interesting.

February 7 – Light
Well I headed to Pizza Hut for lunch and sat my phone down…then I decided I would post the challenge and when I opened up Facebook, my camera was on and I saw this light and peeling ceiling.  I was also in the photo…yikes, so I bowed out and tried for the perfect composition of this light.  I am pretty happy with the way it turned out, I was just praying nothing fell in my pizza!

February 8 – Camera
Took a photo of my Pentax K1000 through another lens opened wide up sitting on the counter in front for the camera. 

February 9 – Action
Well life got real today!  Work has been very hectic working on multiple projects.  My team pulled together to get some important things done, so while on  my lunch break I went to pick up some cookies as a thank you.  While leaving the shopping center, there were multiple cars moving.  So I just sat in my spot and told my friend that was with me that I was going to sit right there while those cars did what they were going to do.  So as soon as two cars around me moved, I proceeded to back out…granted I have sensors and a back up camera and they both failed me as I didn’t see the other car that was also waiting on the other two cars to move.  We backed into each other.  I think she was going way too fast, but the police officer couldn’t prove anything, so we both went on our way.  This is the damage to my poor van…the other lady’s Traverse drove away unscathed.  

February 10 – Umbrella
Life has its way of falling into place.  Today was not a good day either.  I accidentally left my camera bag half way unzipped leaving the wedding today and my camera tumbled out onto the floor…by today (my end of month blogging day), said camera is repaired and back in 100% working order.  I also ended up buying a new camera too, since I have another wedding in 3 days and wasn’t sure how long the repair would take.  This shot I did take with the camera I had just dropped with the macro lens…could tell focus was a little off, but hey it was raining and todays challenge was umbrella, so I had to get the shot and the trusty iPhone just wouldn’t do!

February 11 – Spilled Milk
Was going to photograph some milk drops, but couldn’t get my off camera flash to cooperate, so I resorted to milk pouring over my favorite cereal that I typically eat for my evening snack.

February 12 – Cheesy
This photo was actually taken on the 10th, but since my camera got mailed off to repair today, I figured it would be ok to use it.  This was the last point of the championship game…you can see the down ref’s arm calling the point and Isabel “cheesing” in the background.  There is so much emotion and story in this photo.  I love it.

February 13 – Candy
OK, so nows the time to bear with me;)  The next few days are iPhone shots and I really need to work on my iPhone photo skills…so this challenged me more than you’d expect.

February 14 – Love
I used my macro lens for my iPhone to get this shot of the flowers that my hubby got me for my Valentines present.

February 15 – Together
Well this is it, this is our together.  Many nights a week and weekends are spent together with these ladies, our Striker’s Volleyball Family.

February 16 – Emotion
Got the new camera (D750), so thank goodness I have options now and am not stuck with the iPhone.  Took this of Baylee’s team.  Thought there was great emotion in it.

February 17 – Relax
The girls in between matches.  Snapped this one with my iPhone…loved the sisterly love in this photo and couldn’t waste anytime getting out the camera because I didn’t know how long this sweet moment would last.

February 18 – Wine
Today was National Wine Day and of course I’m sick and on antibiotics, so I couldn’t even enjoy a glass of wine.  I resorted to taking a photo of a wine bottle with my candelabra that I bought at my favorite little winery in San Diego, Bernardo Winery.

February 19 – Presidents
Well macro lens is still in repair, so I used my macro lens on my iPhone to get this shot.  Picked a penny that was from my birth year.

February 20 – Taco Tuesday
We take Taco night very seriously in this house!  In fact when we built our house, we put in two dishwashers because taco night is so dish intensive that we never wanted to have to worry about them again.  I make whole pinto beans in the crock pot all day, save some whole, refry the rest.  Then its mexican rice and ground beef and all the toppings (white cheese, yellow cheese, lettuce, tomato, green onions, cilantro, sour cream and taco sauce).  Also make crispy and soft shells…I bet you’re thinking this is way over board…well I told you, we take this very seriously.  We all have our taco preferences and this is one night, I make sure everyone is happy.  This is my version of the Double Decker taco.

February 21 – Handwriting
This is Baylee’s beautiful handwriting.  They were from earlier in the month, because when I told her I was going to photograph it, she had to pick the prettiest page of notes she had!

February 22 – Pets
One of our beauties.  Macro lens is back and working perfectly…Took this one of Luna and converted to B&W.

February 23 – Patterns
Couldn’t find any interesting patterns and was feeling well not so creative so snapped this one while at the doctor’s office today with the iPhone.

February 24 – Something I made
Hand painted this sign, made and stained the frame and put it all together all on  my own.  Very proud of my work.  Hubby had to help me hang it, but besides that, I did this one all on my own.

February 25 – Window Light
Couldn’t manage a decent shot with these cats today, so my daughter came to the rescue and held Mintsy by the window.  Got this reflection in her eyes of the blinds and the sun shining on her face though the window.  

February 26 – Fairy Tale
OK, so today stumped once again…went outside to try to get a creative shot of the clouds to loosely interpret into something fairy tale”ish”.  Then I looked out back and thought, this is our swamp…so this is my interpretation of a fairy tale.  Isn’t Shrek a fairy tale?  He has a swamp too!

February 27 – Strawberry
Well for those of you that don’t know I was born and raised in the Winter Strawberry capital of the world, Plant City, Florida.  This Strawberry came from Plant City…so its not just any Strawberry.  It tells about me and my beginnings.

February 28 – Flowers
Went to the grocery store and was going to pick up some flowers to photograph, but none of them spoke to me.  I felt like I have photographed every option that my grocer has to offer…then to end the month perfect, I pull into the driveway and what is blooming in my front yard?  This beautiful iris; I planted these bulbs two years ago and although the leafy part has multiplied through the few years, they have never bloomed before.  Seeing this with the rain drops was just icing on the cake.
Now on to March and praise the Lord I don’t have to spell February again until next year…that word is my nemesis…The spelling tricks me up all the time…so now on to an easier spelled month:)
Remember if you want to join in, check out 2018 365 Photo Challenge on Facebook…we would love to have you!