2018 365 Photo Challenge {August}

Here are the photos that I took for this month’s challenge.  It was a busy month to say the least and September is here upon us with a trip to NYC in about 2 hours (can’t sleep) and then surgery to follow next Friday.  I will do my best to stay on top of the challenge, but if I miss something, please help me out.  If anyone wants to volunteer to be a moderator of the Facebook Group, that would be greatly appreciated.  I will not be able to pick up my camera for weeks, maybe months after surgery, so the majority of the year will be shot on my iPhone X or goPro.  I am still enjoying every minute of thought on how to get the perfect or unique shot.  Happy Shooting.  Sarah

August 1 – Water

August 2 – Coloring

August 3 – Dinner

August 4 – Summertime

August 5 – Friendship

August 6 – Texture

August 7 – Through the Window

August 8 – Silhouette

August 9 – Books

August 10 – Lazy

August 11 – Group of Fours

August 12 – Gardens

August 13 – Chairs

August 14 – Road Less Traveled

August 15 – Relaxation

 August 16 – First Person you see today

August 17 – Hot

 August 18 – Triangle

 August 19 – Aviation

August 20 – Lemonade

August 21 – Radio

August 22 – Wood

August 23 – Not Yet Finished
August 24 – Peek a Boo

August 25 – Discarded

August 26 – Tell a Story

August 27 – A Pile of…

August 28 – Using Flash

August 29 – Workspace
August 30 – How you feel today

August 31 – Back to School

An Early Morning

Well I woke up this morning at 4 am…I say its not like me, but it is happening more and more recently.  Normally I would sleep until noon if I could, but my body has been waking me up early and I have been enjoying my quiet time and time behind the camera.  I captured the sunrise this morning and am absolutely in love with details…so I captured some reflections and more water droplets.  The water acts different every day I work with it.  Today I also added a little silicone to the water to give it a different viscosity and see if it acted any differently while on the glass.  I just used good old fashion H2O for the drops into the pan of water.  

Sunday Photography Funday

Well today I got out the backdrop stands, light stand, flash, tripod, camera, triggers, glass, saran wrap, water, and milk and had a grand day of captures.  Played with some different backgrounds and different positions of Off Camera Flash. I really enjoy being in my element seeing what I can capture with things around the house.  I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!


Tonight…well I can’t give it away.  I photographed water droplets…but that’s all I am going to say for now. Enjoy the photos and guess what it is in the comments!!

Needed to photograph something else…and it had to be something I had around the house.  So here are my others from tonight.

And well even later, my mind is wandering and wandering what else I can photograph.  Really sleep is over rated until 6 am rolls around.

Here are a few more that I just took